Month: May 2017

May 9, 2017 admin No comments exist

When I’m in the US I always carry around a peanut-butter-cookie bar from ‘Larabar’ in case I get hungry. (which is very often! 🙂 ) It’s my favourite snack for on the road! But as they are unavailable in the Netherlands, I made them myself. Only 2 ingredients and super easy with a food processor….

May 2, 2017 admin 1 comment

Kitchari is a traditional Ayurvedic dish often used for cleansing and detoxing. It’s basically lentils and rice cooked together with different spices. I love kitchari not only because of its warming and soothing taste, a wonderful comfort food, but also for its wonderful effect on the digestive system. When I get any type of indigestion,…