
May 9, 2017 admin No comments exist

img_2720When I’m in the US I always carry around a peanut-butter-cookie bar from ‘Larabar’ in case I get hungry. (which is very often! 🙂 )

It’s my favourite snack for on the road! But as they are unavailable in the Netherlands, I made them myself.

Only 2 ingredients and super easy with a food processor. Don’t own a food processor? Don’t worry, with a hand blender it’s also very doable.

Ingredients for 4 bars:

  • 1 cup dates
  • 1,5 cup salted peanuts

Directions with food processor:

  • Put peanuts in the food processor and chop ‘m up!img_2789
  • Remove the pits from the dates
  • Add dates to peanuts and blend into gooey substance
  • Divide in 4 and place each piece on some cling-film
  • Wrap the cling film around the mixture and mould into your desired shape
  • READY! For the picture I unwrapped them but it’s much easier to keep them in the cling film until you’re hungry… which might be NOW… in this case… ENJOY!

Directions without food processor:

  • Remove the pits from the dates and soak them in some hot water for a couple of minutes
  • Chop the peanuts up with a hand blender, or if unavailable chop with a knife or grind
  • Drain the dates thoroughly and chop them into a mushy consistency.
  • Mix the dates and peanuts into a gooey substance
  • Go to point 4 of the above…Divide in 4….

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